I recently read a quote that states:
“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” - anonymous I found this to be so true. We often hear we need to love ourselves before we can love someone else. Here are a few suggestions I have to love yourself even more today. 1. Affirmations I know I’ve blog about this before called What Do People Really Think of Me. Self-affirmations are so powerful. Every morning, while putting on makeup, I will tell myself one thing I like about me. It doesn’t have to be cheesy or dramatic. Just quickly tell yourself one thing you like about yourself. You don’t even have to necessarily believe it. If you do this every day, what you will find is how eventually you begin to believe the things you say. Now, after doing this for the last month, when I am around others, I feel a little more confident in who I am and, I am able to make stronger, intelligent decisions quicker. 2. I’m Sorry. No You Can’t Walk All Over Me How many times even in the past week or month, did someone try to pull a fast one on you? Whether intentional or not, people find the “weak ones” and try to walk all over them. If you are one of those people, STOP! Enough is enough. No, you cannot walk over others and you are not going to let others walk all over you. I always say that we could use a little more kindness in this world. How about the next time you find yourself in that situation, you figure out a way to bring in kindness and love? 3. Put Yourself First I think for a lot of us, we put others first because we are trying to be nice. We think, “Well, I should probably give more that a two week notice because they are going to need me.” Ummm no. That’s what I say to that. Putting yourself first is not a bad thing. It doesn’t make you stuck up or self-centered. I always say that putting yourself first is like putting up a healthy boundary. You are taking care of you. My Take Away…. How you are to yourself is how you will be with others. Be positive, bring in kindness, and put yourself first. Might seem simple to read but it will make all the difference. If you want stronger relationships, you must also strengthen yourself. Let’s keep the conversation going. Feel free to post your comments below. What do you do to have a strong relationship with yourself?
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AuthorThis is Breeze Counseling's blogspot were you can find useful tips and self-help information. Please feel free to leave your comments. Archives
July 2018